Saturday, May 30, 2009

what a boring saturday :/

school is ok. seniors are ok. haha.
well i did greet them (jgn la drg kasi kena time orientasi nnt.
now, kena cari kotak 40cm x 60 cm.
its for our damn NAME TAG for orientasi~! huhu.
and we have to put our own photo! 4R lg tu.
everyone in school are waiting for this.
pembulian secara besar besaran. huhu

economic is ...
i dont knw. my 'engine' is really slow.
its not that hard. but trust me, im a slow learner. huhu
bm. phew. sgt mendalam. lol
muet. makes me want to speak in proper english :D
business. blum start belajar lg.
pengajian am ada bau2 sejarah owh! adui.

29th May 2009
leha and i went to post office .
ambik my 'house bunny' bag. hehe.
and its bloody pink! huhu.
thanx babe :)
went home. online.
chatted with him. waaa. sian leha kena ckp bubye terus. haha

later on that day, we went to kdca for the iscep concert.
no offence but, its boring. sorry.
[suzai. teda org korea dtg. due to the swine flu. huhu]
dan sy seorg yg sgt tidak random pg tegur tu org korea. LMAO!
i'm totally fall in love with leha's glasses. haha
abah. saya mau pakai spek boleh?? :D
after the concert, we went to upperstar for dinner + supper :D
&& we're totally enjoyed the ride MJ! hehe.
i like the way he looked at us! haha. sorry buddy.
see ya in school man. and hopefully u didnt remember bout it.

johan is home. jek is home. jobby pula balik kg! haish.
van, janey, mz, emelia are home.
and i guess all my friends in matrix are home.
mari kita buat reunion! ngeee :D

abah & mami balik bsuk. hehe. *suka :p
on tuesday. i have extra class for eco.
cigu boboi bilang, budak eko paling rugi cuti.
sebab ada kelas tambahan time cuti.
apa lagi yg teda basic mcm kami la.
separuh kelas, teda basic. huhu

and i keep falling.

tagged by shadel & suzai :)

1. Besides your lips , where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
- haih. lips pun belum, apa lg yg lain ba. lol. cheeks ja la.

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
- sy memaki ba td pagi. huhu. kekejangan otot d bahagian betis :/

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with?
- my girls. last nite :)

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
- hmm. yaa? :D

5. Will you ever donate blood?
- yes. sy cukup umur suda! yeah.

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
- yes.

7. Do you want someone to be dead?
- nope

8. What does your last text message say ?
- 'aku pula yg bgn awl. haha' :DD

9. What are you thinking right now ?
- cramp buat sy jln ndk tentu arah. huhu

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
- yaa. he's onlineee!!! haha

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
- 12.30am ke ats. tired...

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
- well its not mine. curi from kakmi. haha

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
- maybe. again. he's online!!! hahaha

14. Who was the last person who text you ?
- talie :)

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz.
(since everyone in my list already did this one, so i put few names not in list :p)

1 . talie
2 . janey
3 . emelia
4 . jobby
5 . johan
6 . sandra
7 . tasha
8 . leha
9 . ayu
10 . bb

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
- single. kan jane??

16. Is no.3 a male or a female?
- female

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
- haha. no good. dua2 ada bf suda. lol

18. What is no.1 studying about?
- blum start lg kan dear?

19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
talie *last nite :)
- janey *during recital. wished she was there.
- emelia *before she went to matrix
- jobby *last2 nite. thru fb
- johan *hmm. before he went back to college? 2 months la jga.
- sandra *d stella. haha. penceroboh ba kami sekarang.
- tasha *lama suda ni. chat thru shoutbox
- leha *baru ja tadi. hehe
- ayu *last nite ;p
- bb *last nite jga :D

20.Is no.4 single?
- jobby? ask him laa. haha. but i think he's single.

21. Say something about no. 2.
- she can sing! :)

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
- as junior and senior penah la dulu. hehe

23. Describe no.9 .
- kicikk... :p

24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
- ndk mungkin. geng karas ba tu. hehe

25. Do you like 8?
- yaaa! i love wearing ur glasses!!!! hehehehe :D

Monday, May 25, 2009

canteen :D

so. officially kelas eko.
wlupun teda basic.
which means, i have to learn the basic by myself. huhu

my subjects for stpm :)
pengajian am, muet
(subjek wajib ni dua)
bahasa malaysia, pengajian perniagaan, ekonomi
( pilihan otak ku :D )

saya sama tu orang ada elektrik

Sunday, May 24, 2009

thanx guys!

i thought im gonna miss it.
but at last (in desperate situation), i went there!
ngeh. ngeh. :D

seriously, thanx guys.
and him. hehe.
specially to jason la kan :D

wish leha and jobby were there :(

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

good morning senior :/

cuba teka apa tajuk ceramah kami td? haha.
bank simpanan nasional, ptptn.
no laa. itu hiburan sampingan.
the interesting ceramah was, cinta, seks dan jenayah :P
its more to adult talk actually.

read the title there?
we have to greet every senior.
ketua menteri & ketua pambangkang yg suru.
they said, the previous seniors asked them to do so. dui.
so every morning, while waiting for our friends, and saw them, we have to greet.
klu nasib bgs, kena balas la balik. haha

our orientasi with senior will be after semester break.
which is, 3 weeks from now.
memerlukan persediaan fizikal dan mental for that part. huhu

'klu kamu dpt tawaran d universiti kerajaan, cigu nasihat kan kamu ambik peluang tu. mungkin rezeki kamu suda sampai. lebih baik kamu pergi. cigu tak galakkan kamu ambik form6'

petikan daripada hampir semua cigu yg pernah jumpa kami.
sy tidak terasa ba. haha

'kecuali klu kamu betul2 ada sebab yg tidak dpt di elakkan, then baru kamu masuk form6'

psl hal lain2 la sy masuk form6 cigu. hehe

and. im falling slowly :D

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

my guys :)

emmanuel texted me something that made me cry. thanx.
maybe i'm being stupid before this.
thank you so much emma!

when it comes bout feelings, i talked to emmanuel.
and he will gives me advise like a big brother and being honest to me.
thats why i love him :)

when it comes bout laughing all day long~ i'll be with jobby.
and he will make sure all of us LOL :D
thats why i love him :)

leha said, he sounds like 'alex' with me. and i think so too.
thanx. to sensitivity! (:

tagged by nina :)

You must be honest to take this survey!

Honestly, are you in love right now?
- hah. with my family and close friends :)

Honestly, what color is your underwear?
- yellow

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
- orientation night ada apa tu ah?

Honestly, what are you doing right now?
- answering this survey laa.

Honestly, what did you do today?
- school. jahit lencana. makan. cuci baju. online.

Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
- no.

Honestly, have you done something bad today?
- haha. yeah!

Honestly, do you watch Disney channel?
- haish. teda channel disney kami tau.

Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
- hmm. wait. i dont think i have one :p

Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
- them :)

Honestly, do you bite your nails?
- no

Honestly, what is your mood right now?
- sebal! haha

Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?
- gosh. my parents!

Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
- eerrr. no.

Honestly, do you hate someone right now?
- yea. but im still trying not to.

Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now?
- my mr. barney then fall asleep :D

Honestly, do your wrists hurt?
- nope

Honestly, are you in denial?
- dont think so.

Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?
- honest to blog? NO!

Honestly, does anyone like you?
- dont knw eh.

Honestly, is it going anywhere with them?
- u tell me.

Honestly, did you answer all these questions honestly?
- 99% sure. lol

nama saya harmiza, panggil saya miza ja :D

that bloody sesi suai kenal!
anyway. second day :D

why on earth i got the same group with him! shoot man. seriously no connection at all! and i have to sit next to him! my heart just can't stop shouting. btw. i can't stop watching he's writing our task. his long fingers. jealous eh! wait! i'm not talking bout him. it's another him. sorta our ketua kumpulan. haha.
gue sebal! sebal! sebal!

should i take ekonomi or sejarah?
- i do love sejarah but i dont knw if i can still love it in form6.
- i have no idea about eko but a good friend of mine, which also an ex-lassalian recommended me to take eko because the teacher is very good. even the other teachers said so.

any idea? hesitation....

*jeremiah extremely made the whole class laugh during presentation today.
totally LOL.
form6 is like a reunion. i recognize many faces from my primary school. same as matrix in labuan. reunion ba drg sna. huhu

* and yes. i do miss him. serve me right.

i want frisco frappe chocolate. pronto!
jobby! mana kau? rindu ni :p
masuk lasalle la kau! kasi kwn sy! huhu

if i'm not mistaken, this saturday would be a school day for us.
sekolah ganti untuk hari raya. woooo.

it's weird to found out myself wearing other badge on my uniform. haha. been wore stella maris badge since kindergarten baa. belum biasa lagi. hehe. went home with leha and azel today! ngeee :D

gary ; khairi, panggil harmiza.
khairi ; gary panggil.
me ; pa?
gary ; abg kirim salam.
me ; sepa?
gary ; abg kirim salam.
me ; *blur* owh. kau sms sma dia ka?
gary ; *nodded*
me ; owh. *take breath*

still surprised.
deep breath again.

Monday, May 18, 2009

photo time :D

kakmi lama menunggu suda gambar baby kan? hehe
Wan Amir Thaqif.
and i call him AM :)
mummy call him AQIF.
abah call him AMIR.

27th April 2009

suka bekerut dahi eh.

tiga ja ah. hehe.
now the photo yg sgt tidak random :D

muka tebal kan. sepa suru.
me with MAS steward :D

and i own paulie bleeker :D

first dayyy

our first day in our new school was ok.
orientasi as usual. ceramah2.
klu cigu tu best, mmg semangat la mau dgr.
bila boring, sori ah cigu. mata layu owh. haha

kami perlukan masa untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan suasana d kantin untuk membeli makan. lol
kami takut mau beli makan. sebab suma lelaki. culture shock baa.. haha

ari ni kami balik awal. 1.15pm.
tomorrow till friday, 3 pm. huhu

wish me luck :D

attention! la sallian! hehe

Sunday, May 17, 2009

home :)

i'm home. yeah. after 3 weeks in kl. duh.
i miss kk.

ok. a lil update bout me.
how am i? im fine as usual. makin besar. lol
my hair? black! huhu. bru dye semlm :D

my upu? yup.
diploma komunikasi dan media, UiTM Lendu, Melaka.

form6? yes.
la salle. kemanusiaan.

my next step?
form 6 which is start tomorrow.
im not well prepared. huhu.
insyaallah everything would be alright :)