Monday, December 22, 2008


my new favorite movie.
angus, thongs and perfect snogging.
hahaha. i love it!
i love robbie, dave the laugh, tom :DD

and yea. i've watched 'milk'
what shud i say bout this movie?
first scene i was like, wtf?!
x rated! :DD

today kena kasi sma leha. pass2 dvd. hehe.
then janey. then me again! :DD
all my bags are packed. and i'm not ready to go. hehe

my flight would be at 6.30 pm
last nite, my very dear friend emmanuel came to my house. :)
it was late actually. around 11 pm.
my parents said ok, so ok laa :p
we talked. talked. and laughed.
i miss him :]
kurus owh dia suda~! haha.
he will be at Terengganu when i'm back to KK.
soo. we took chance to meet for a while :)

ok. time to get ready.
will be away from KK for a while.
till 30th december :]
wont be blogging or keep anything updated

for. Gloria, Jobby, Ernie
and my other friends yg terpilih for PLKN 1st batch,
wish u all the best! have fun!

xoxo :]

Friday, December 19, 2008

a day with them :]

entry. 19th dec. 2008.
we had a small reunion today!
at McD cp :D
sorry laa if ada yg ndak kena bgtau. huhu

soooo. the guests are.
me, janey, wilson, sharlinna, gary, nelson, roland, jason
gathered at McD but we didn't order anything! haha
duduk2 ja d sana. nasib tu pekerja ndak marah :D
finally, we bought 2 french fries utk share2.
yea. yea. we talked and laughed a lot.

almost a day with my childhood friends. haha
lps makan, terus pegi main boling. yea. yea.
ni yg best ni. time ni baru jason dtg.
lambat tul dia. haha
dia ganti gary sbb gary mau pg main futsal. huhu
(: boys vs girls :)
lane lelaki selalu ada prob ni. suwei tul. lmao
then. wilson ndak puas main 1 game. tambah lagi 1 game.
lane yg paling kecoh. kami la tu.
lane 25 & lane 26 sama lane 23 & lane 24
lelaki tukar lane, kami pun ikut laa. hehe

after boling, we went to palm cafe.
eat. eat. eat. :]
time ni laa. riuh tu palm cafe oleh kami.
Cah-ha-ya :DD
lps suma habis makan, baru la kami igt our schools memories.
bout teachers, UPSR, classmates, old crushes, PTS, extra classes,
tuition, choral speaking, kena denda etc.
yea. aku merinduinya. :')
laughed. laughed. laughed. and laughed.

and time to say bubye.
keep in touch!

p.s. guess what?
i found the 'Milk' dvd. yeah.
i want to watch it a.s.a.p :]
belum start packing lagi ni! :DD
and i didn't say bubye to my abg just now :(

Thursday, December 18, 2008

sport spirit.

what do u think with the blog title.
sport spirit. hmm. i think i should change it.
my b-a-d-m-i-n-t-o-n spirit. ngeh ngeh :DD

for those who know bout the badminton tournament in KK,
do u have any extra tickets? please. haha. lol
btw. late evening, me and leha saw the prices for the entrance.
it's rm35 and above.
i want to buy it but u know, sindrom ndak cukup duit melanda :p
soo. i told my parents because i know my abah is a big fan of this sport.
but. suddenly my abah said,
' mahal ba tu. bagus lagi kita tengok di tv. free lagi tu. '
yea. i guess he's right. but i never thought he would say that! haha
because the other day, he's very excited because Lin Dan are coming to KK.
but then, my abang told us that China tarik diri saat2 akhir. what?!
and. btw. my abah is not a big fan of Lin Dan.
he has the Malaysian spirit! :)

the other day, leha called me and she's sounded very excited by saying,
'miza! kau tau ka ada tournament badminton d KK?!'
'tau. napa?'
'Bao Chun Lai datang la tu kan? kan?! hee. happy nya aku!' *wink
'ndak paya la kau happy. china tarik diri juga.' '
huh. knapa dorang tarik diri?! budu eh. aku mau jumpa daling aku tu'

haha. lmao. yea. i'm totally excited too!
i want to meet all the team! huhu. specially the malaysian team. :)

and not to forget, this guy :DD
he's Korean. so he's in the Korean team :DD

(: Lee Yong Dae :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

i want this and that...

i want to watch a movie called, 'MiLK'

it's about a gay political man and blah blah blah.
but for sure ndak masuk malaysia ni movie.

about 'JUNO'. i bought the dvd and i watched it.
it's full with language yang x rated... :DD
but then, when leha, ayu and i went to speedy at palm square the other day,
it's there! it's there peeps!
i thought this movie mmg confirm ndak dpt masuk malaysia.
but, nope. it's here. and it's with chinese sub. huh?
and maybe some scene kena cut2. hehe

and. currently i'm looking for this movie.

(: Across the Universe :)

yea. yea. i know. boleh download.
but still, i want the dvd! hahaha :DD
i love the music in it! damn good. lol

p.s tomorrow must get up early :x

i miss them already!

greetings! hehe.
ari ni drg balik KL suda. huhu
along, abg long, kakmi, abg mawdud, faiz, iya, yusuff && hamdi
flight pukul 4.10 p.m.

awl2 pagi suma suda bgn because suda ada plan.
photoshoot! haha.
family picture baa. ngam2 suma suda ada kan.
ambik la family picture d kedai @ studio :DD
soo. we went to one of the kedai gambar at Kg. Air.
sian tu uncle balik2 ambil gambar kami.
sbb yusuff ndak pandai duduk diam! haha

kak mi I iya I me
us after the shoot. :DD

after shoot, we went to karamunsing for lunch :)
balik rumah. drg pgi check-in. then boarding.
huhu. then, bye bye :(

we'll meet u very soon!
next next week :))

p.s. terus sunyi ni rumah :x

Friday, December 12, 2008

the party~!

the reunion. 6/12
sk kepayan's reunion. tpi ada jga muka2 lain yg sibuk. :D
me. ayu. talie
sah2 dari sekolah rendah lain ni tiga orang ni. haha

ok. let's start~!

bbq time. jobby jd ketua chef :D

yesh. candid. we love it. terasa famous sekali :D

the empat sekawan. haha. ayu took this.
jobby I leha I me I johan
seriously, johan reminds me bout gajah. haha.
leha was rite! :D

playing hide and seek :DD

my babe playing with the water :)

i can see me. obviously :p

the guests. this was taken after talie go home :(

p.s they rock my day! love u guys soo much! xoxo

they're home!

my sisters, my brother in-laws, my nephews, my niece and my biras
safely arrived at KKIA terminal 1 on the 5th Dec. 2008

sooo. officially they're here! yeah! :))

(: yusuff with his atuk and anek :)

iya and faiz at 1B. 6/12

family lunch at gayang seafood restaurant, tuaran. 7/12

selamat hari raya aidil adha :)

and yes. my books! finally here.
thanx kakmi :)

Friday, December 5, 2008

a nite to remember :)

4th of December.
first of all,

Happy Birthday ERNIE~!!
our lil' sis, cheaper by the dozen ++

we did celebrate her birthday at the beach.
it's a lady's nite for sure :DD
let's begin.

ernie I adz I shaf I talie I miza I abby I bb
yaa. blurr. plus tu tong sampah pun nyibuk. lol

shows that everybody is thinking something :D

the very interesting menu. hehehehe :p

the cake. kita share2 ba kan van?? hehe :D

yeah. girl of the moment :)

ernie men suap2 sm bb. :DD

group photo. :))
luv u girls!

p.s i'm getting excited! my sisters are coming home tomorrow! wee :D

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

the best sunset :DD

today is 3rd of december.
leha, me, ayu, johan, jobby
lima sekawan berada d McDonalds fire2 centre. <--- jobby ajar! :D
sememangnya tempat itu tidak sekecoh mana dgn kehadiran kami.
percaya laa! tgh lunch time. kdg2 ada jg org tgk kami.
al-maklum laa. paling senyap kan. lol
soo. leha, johan, jobby bncang2 bout the party this saturday.

then we want to watch Twilight! leha excited suda.
siap check internet lg time d McD. 2.30 pm. set!
terus lari pg growball. beli tiket. beli air, popcorn. masuk!
suda la lambat masuk 1 minit! bsing lg tu cari tmpat duduk. haha
unfortunately. tmpat yg kami beli kena ambik. haha
trus kami duduk paaaaling dpn. just 5 of us lg tu.

johan I ayu I leha I jobby I me

mana bole fokuss tgk ni movie kalau ada jobby d sebelah.
ada jaa yg kami ketawa tu.
kdg2 johan lg menyampuk. adeh.
pasal katil laa, lambat laa. haha. gila owh
trus ada org ndak tahan kencing lagi! haha.
what a day. ketawa ja kami d depan.
nasib org belakang ndak shhh. :DD
then. Big Apple. here we come. ayu spent. hehe

after eat our donut yg free itu, we went to Waterfront.
we have the best photographer in town. lol
thanx jobby! :DD

mmg perfect candid! ayu mau tejatuh ni kan? lol
my babe = beautiful :))

the part-time models :DD

yes. the perfect lighting. our cover album :))

favorite shot! :))

p.s i want to thank my babe leha, for introducing these wonderful people to me :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

after spm. 28/11

soooo. after spm, kami ada plan suda. movie marathon!
tp ndak sempat. hehe.
jd kami buat balik kejadian after pmr last last year~!
time form 3, half tgk 'Ghost Game' yg lain tgk 'Heart'

for now, half tgk 'Madagascar', half tgk 'Twilight'
i voted madagascar! :D

we only payed RM5. owh yesh. student card ada baa :)

at first, kami kumpul d big apple, warisan square.

but i have to fetch zarith first, then jln sm2.

on the way pun kena cari2 laa. adeh.

smpai sna, jln2 lg. masuk 'times'. take censored photos. lol
and i have a new pet name!

i hugged gloria from behind and called her kakak turtle.
and now she calls me 'my cengkerang' . aww :p
then, me and zarith pg waterfront and bought our pure chocolate at coffee bean!

it's self-timer as always for these two sisters :DD

after the movie, kami terus kan meronda d cp.
then zarith wants to buy her bf present. cari laa beramai2.
first we went to mega. talie's suggestion.
lama2 pikir, she bought a wallet. wallet kaa tu?? lol
tiba2 kami nampak couple tshirts d kedai lain. ngamuk ba zarith trus.
coz the tshirts are cute! haha
ndak pa zarith, nnt kita beli tu. :D
owh yea. me and zarith tambah gay stuff lg.

taraaahhh~! zarith's red. mine blue. lol

next station. something different.
zarith wants to buy paper beg for
the present.
after that, lepak!

guess where~

gloria, talie, zarith, me, ernie. blurr but i love it! :)

and last but not least. our new favorite activity.

talie and me. she's mine :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

owh yesh!

spm dah habisss!!! <--- tiru style lynn in Kami the Movie :D
account is over. gosh
pa ba tu kelab dan persatuan?
igt kan sy 1 org ja yg blurr tu soalan, ada lg yg blur. hehe.
menyesal la jg sbb markah tu soalan tinggi ni. 20 markah. :(
menyesal sekarang pun ndak guna suda. sooo.... lets move on!!

my chapter as a student in sm stella maris is over! lol

p.s i will update bout spm later :)